Entry Points for Youth Integration into the Program Cycle: Activity Design & Implementation
Whereas PYD domains (assets, agency, contribution, and enabling environment) help frame and standardize measurement, PYD features can help frame the activities themselves and may assist in activity design.
Youth Engagement for Activity Design: Whether a DRG activity undertakes a youth mainstreaming or youth-specific approach, youth should meaningfully participate in all stages of the design process. Youth participation ensures that young people make meaningful contributions to the USAID objectives that are relevant to them. Because youth are a diverse group with a similarly diverse array of needs, it is critical that youth involved at the design stage are broadly representative of the youth cohorts targeted by the activity. The following chart presents ideas for engaging youth at the design, award, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation stages.
Youth Engagement Throughout the Activity Cycle
Solicitation Guidance
Use the following checklist to ensure that solicitations are intentionally youth inclusive and that they compel response that best inform concrete approaches to youth inclusion.
Additional resources for Activity Design and Implementation:
● Youth Compass: A Strategic Guide to Strengthen Youth Activities is used to strengthen the design or ongoing efforts of a youth-focused or youth-included activity.
● Learn more about youth engagement and connect with experts by joining the Youth Engagement Community of Practice.
Explore the toolkit:
What is Positive Youth Development?
What is Inclusive Development?
Models for Integrating Youth
Cross-cutting Considerations
- Civic Participation
- Youth Organizations
- Youth Leadership
- Example Program Types and Theories of Change
Entry Points for Youth Integration into the Program Cycle
Country/Regional Strategic Planning
Project Design and Implementation
Activity Design and Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Guide to Youth in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programs
1. Civil Society
2. Human Rights Protection and Promotion
3. Rule of Law and the Justice Sector
4. Legislative Strengthening
5. Local Governance and Devolution
6. Political Party Development
7. Electoral Processes
8. Anti-Corruption and Accountability
9. Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice
10. Media, Information, and Communication Technologies (ICTs)