Youth in DRG Programs
Module: Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice
All those affected by armed conflict are likely to experience trauma, but their experiences also differ from one another. For example, children and youth often have fewer resources available to them than adults to protect themselves, frequently comprise the majority of internally displaced and refugee populations, and are often targets of violence, including sexual abuse and forced recruitment into armed groups. Although youth in post-conflict environments are often at the forefront of movements for peace, community recovery and democratic reform, they are often missing from formal peace negotiations and transitional justice efforts. This exclusion limits young people’s access to opportunities to recover, to obtain justice for human rights abuses, and to participate in reforming laws and public institutions.
Transitional justice mechanisms that recognize age and other identity-based discrimination and violence and make intentional efforts to ensure access to justice for all can decrease societal vulnerabilities and inequality. When youth and other marginalized groups are integrated as meaningful participants in peacebuilding and transitional justice, the scope of these initiatives includes a broader set of critical societal priorities and needs, contributing to a more lasting and just peace. Ensuring youth inclusion in peacebuilding and in shaping and monitoring transitional justice processes can help promote equality, build a lasting peace, and further inclusive democracy in support of the objectives under USAID’s DRG Strategy.
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Explore the toolkit:
What is Positive Youth Development?
What is Inclusive Development?
Models for Integrating Youth
Cross-cutting Considerations
- Civic Participation
- Youth Organizations
- Youth Leadership
- Example Program Types and Theories of Change
Entry Points for Youth Integration into the Program Cycle
Country/Regional Strategic Planning
Project Design and Implementation
Activity Design and Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Guide to Youth in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programs
1. Civil Society
2. Human Rights Protection and Promotion
3. Rule of Law and the Justice Sector
4. Legislative Strengthening
5. Local Governance and Devolution
6. Political Party Development
7. Electoral Processes
8. Anti-Corruption and Accountability
9. Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice
10. Media, Information, and Communication Technologies (ICTs)