YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation - Communities of Practice
Youth Engagement
Youth Engagement (YE) Community of Practice (CoP) Mission
To foster increased collaboration between youth and youth-serving practitioners through establishing a strong and vibrant community that brings together a diverse range of stakeholders from across the world to advance meaningful youth engagement
- Collect, disseminate, customize or/and develop new PYD resources
- Have an event every month at least -12 events in 12 months
- Have at least 100 people signed up to the online discussion group, who are actively involved (at least 50% female, 50% from the Global South)
- Facilitators and members to post at least weekly in the online discussion group
The work plan for the next six months will cover the themes identified during an information gathering session during the CoP kick-off meeting in December 2020.
- Meaningful youth engagement -tools and resources
- Current modern issues youth are facing -“hot topics”
- Skills needed for youth engagement
- Engagement strategies and capacity building
- How can we measure youth engagement
- Lessons/best practices on how to engage youth?
- Collective evidence-based practices
- Challenges youth face
- How to engage youth who are out of school/work and/or who do not have internet
- Best practices on delivering complex content and connect it to real life
- Increasing leadership and participation across development sectors.
- Evaluation tools and methods for youth engagement and employment
- How to become a good and influential Youth leader for positive change
We will aim to host monthly meetings. We will aim for the members of the CoP to lead the meetings with support from the advisor and champion.
CoP Champion and Youth Advisor:
Join the CoP by registering on, and then join this CoP under the navigation item COMMUNITIES.
You can join multiple CoPs.