Introduction to Positive Youth Development and Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance
These introductory pages provide the foundation for the rest of the Toolkit, and are an excellent place to start for a basic understanding of Positive Youth Development, Inclusive Development, meaningful inclusion of youth, and some applications for DRG.
What is Positive Youth Development? includes YouthPower Learning’s definition of PYD, explaining the four domains and seven features that make up the PYD framework. These domains and features are then put into the DRG context using common program characteristics from the DRG sector.
What is Inclusive Development? describes USAID’s suggested approaches to inclusive development, which are critical when thinking through youth inclusion in the DRG context. “Youth” are not a homogenous group, and one must take into account intersectionalities including gender, ability, marital status, tribe/caste/ethnicity, etc, in order to ensure representative inclusion, versus programming that only targets the most elite and most connected youth in a given area.
Three Models to Consider when Integrating Youth Participation into DRG Programs expands on the ideas in the preceding “Inclusive Development” section, demonstrating how DRG programs can move from “tokenistic” youth involvement to a more holistic understanding of youth participation - including youth roles in program decision-making, leadership, and M&E.
Finally, Cross-cutting Considerations: Civic Participation, Youth Organizations, and Youth Leadership provide evidence, caveats, example programs and Theories of Change, and ideas for incorporating PYD into these three cross-cutting areas of DRG programming.
Explore the toolkit:
What is Positive Youth Development?
What is Inclusive Development?
Models for Integrating Youth
Cross-cutting Considerations
- Civic Participation
- Youth Organizations
- Youth Leadership
- Example Program Types and Theories of Change
Entry Points for Youth Integration into the Program Cycle
Country/Regional Strategic Planning
Project Design and Implementation
Activity Design and Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Guide to Youth in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programs
1. Civil Society
2. Human Rights Protection and Promotion
3. Rule of Law and the Justice Sector
4. Legislative Strengthening
5. Local Governance and Devolution
6. Political Party Development
7. Electoral Processes
8. Anti-Corruption and Accountability
9. Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice
10. Media, Information, and Communication Technologies (ICTs)