Youth in DRG Programs
Module: Legislative Strengthening
In democratic societies, legislative bodies are the primary mechanisms through which public policy is shaped and the economic and social course of a country is charted. The degree to which legislatures function freely and effectively and represent and respond to their diverse constituents is an important measure of democracy. While legislatures may replicate broader social and political inequalities, they can also be critical entry points for youth and other marginalized groups to advance equality and human rights. Taking steps to empower legislators who value the assets and contributions of young people, to increase the election of young legislators, and to ensure that legislatures are youth-sensitive in both their work and as institutions is critical in creating stronger, more inclusive legislative bodies. Legislatures that are inclusive and non-discriminatory, and whose membership, leadership, structure, rules of procedures, and practices are inclusive, are better able represent their constituents and operate effectively. Supporting such efforts helps to advance the objectives of USAID’s DRG Strategy.
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Explore the toolkit:
What is Positive Youth Development?
What is Inclusive Development?
Models for Integrating Youth
Cross-cutting Considerations
- Civic Participation
- Youth Organizations
- Youth Leadership
- Example Program Types and Theories of Change
Entry Points for Youth Integration into the Program Cycle
Country/Regional Strategic Planning
Project Design and Implementation
Activity Design and Implementation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Guide to Youth in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Programs
1. Civil Society
2. Human Rights Protection and Promotion
3. Rule of Law and the Justice Sector
4. Legislative Strengthening
5. Local Governance and Devolution
6. Political Party Development
7. Electoral Processes
8. Anti-Corruption and Accountability
9. Reconciliation, Peacebuilding, and Transitional Justice
10. Media, Information, and Communication Technologies (ICTs)