Through a USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) funded buy-in, YP2LE will release a Global Food Security Strategy white paper, a gender-responsive literature review of youth and agri-food systems, and a Shocks Rapid Assessment on COVID-19 and Desert Locust this year. This buy-in, known as the Youth in Agri-Food Systems Learning Activity, will advance knowledge on approaches to and the state of evidence for youth inclusion in international development interventions related to agri-food systems, and more specifically agriculture-led growth and food security, resilience, nutrition and water security, sanitation, and hygiene. As part of the activity, YP2LE will track strategies, map pathways, and gauge the state of the evidence for youth contributions to the achievement of country self-reliance through RFS areas of work. Look out for more information in the coming months.