The Communities of Practice (CoPs) are spaces for youth and youth-serving practitioners to come together to share ideas, tools, and build and test practical resources to advance Positive Youth Development (PYD) through collaboration, dialogue, and collective sharing and learning.
The BEPSE CoP is a community space focused on building skills in entrepreneurship and on collaboration with the private sector. Open to all sectors, the CoP will have an emphasis on agriculture initially, adding other sectors (e.g., health, education, or transport) based on member interest. Join the BEPSE Discussion Group to connect with others in the community! You must login or register to YouthPower.org to access the discussion groups.
Learn more about the BEPSE CoP here.
BEPSE CoP February meeting 'A Deep Dive into Entrepreneurship': Wednesday, March 17, 9:00-10:00 am EDT
The Eskimos have 100 words for ‘snow’, why do we have only one for ‘entrepreneur’? In a labor market assessment conducted in Zimbabwe in 2015, Lara Goldmark, with Alec Hansen, Kiera Derman, and Roberto Matus developed a framework that depicts a typology to show the different types of entrepreneurs they were encountering in the field. Their dream has been to populate that framework with broader data, but since it’s been a while since they created those typologies, we wonder if this is still relevant. For example, where would social entrepreneurs fall into?
This monthly meeting showcased a stimulating conversation where 2 entrepreneurs shared their personal journeys. The discussion was moderated by Alec Hansen, FHI 360 technical advisor.
BEPSE CoP February meeting 'Starting the conversation': Monday, February 8, 9:00-10:00 am EST
This monthly meeting got the conversation started on the BEPSE key topics; youth entrepreneurship, private sector engagement, and the role of youth employment in agribusiness, via presentations from speakers in the field. In addition, the CoP Co-Champions shared key feedback and ideas they received and share the draft CoP Charter (including a calendar of future meetings) so that network members can have the opportunity to comment.
Companion Learning Materials
View the BEPSE CoP February Meeting Slides, and see attached below.
Kick-off: Thursday, December 3, 9:30-10:30 am EST
You will meet the BE and PSE CoP Champion and Youth Advisor, learn about the CoP, the opportunities for engaging within the CoP and across the network, and you will have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, needs, and expertise to developing the learning agenda for the first 6 months of the CoP.
Watch the Business, Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Engagement (BEPSE) Community of Practice Kick-Off Webinar with YouthPower sponsor, Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI)!
Companion Learning Materials
View the BEPSE CoP Kick-off Slides, and see attached below.