YP2LE presents a joint webinar from the Gender and BEPSE CoPs on Women and Entrepreneurship
About this event
Presented by YP2LE, this is a joint meeting from the Gender and Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private Sector Engagement Community of Practice (CoP) focused on women and entrepreneurship.
About the Community of Practice
YP2LE spent the first six months of 2020 listening and co-designing with members of the YouthPower Learning Network, and we are pleased to announce the refreshed YP2LE Learning Network with several new features and benefits. The Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private-sector Engagement CoP is focused on building skills in entrepreneurship and on collaboration with the private sector. Open to all sectors, the CoP will have an emphasis on agriculture initially, adding other sectors such as health, education, or transport based on member interest and feedback. And the Gender CoP is focused on integrated youth-centered and gender transformative programming through positive youth development. Learning more about the CoPs on YouthPower.org and register to connect with these communities.
You must be a registered member of YouthPower.org in order to participate in the discussion. Register today!