
The Communities of Practice (CoPs) are spaces for youth and youth-serving practitioners to come together to share ideas, tools, and build and test practical resources to advance Positive Youth Development (PYD) through collaboration, dialogue, and collective sharing and learning.

The Gender CoP will be a community space focused on fostering, engaging in, and building support and evidence for integrated youth-centered and gender transformative programming through positive youth development.  Join the Gender CoP Discussion Group to connect with others in the community! You must login or register to YouthPower.org to access the discussion groups.

Learn more about the Gender CoP here

Setting the Gender CoP Agenda: Thursday, February 18, 9:00-10:00 am EST

Hosted by YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation's Gender Community of Practice (CoP), in this meeting, participants will determine CoP topics based of feedback from the December meeting, solicit member leadership on topics of interest, and hear about the Social Norms and Youth Working Group opportunity through the Passages Project.

Watch the Gender Community of Practice Webinar 'Setting the Gender CoP Agenda' with YouthPower sponsor, Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI)!

Companion Learning Materials

View the Gender CoP February Meeting Slides, and see attached below.

Kick-off: Thursday, December 17, 9:30-10:30 am EST

 You will meet the Gender CoP Champion and Youth Advisor, learn about the CoP, the opportunities for engaging within the CoP and across the network, and you will have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, needs, and expertise to developing the learning agenda for the first 6 months of the CoP.

Watch the Gender Community of Practice Kick-Off Webinar with YouthPower sponsor, Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI)!

Click here to watch!

Companion Learning Materials

View the Gender CoP Kick-off Slides, and see attached below.


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