The PYD Learning Agenda aims to stimulate both learning and action to build the evidence base about how, when, where, and for whom PYD works. Building upon the findings of the Systematic Review of PYD Programs in LMICs, this agenda was developed in consultation with youth-serving and youth development practitioners, researchers, evaluators, and funders to define priority questions in the field of PYD and provide guidance for potential ways to answer those questions.

YouthPower Learning convened a one-day consultation on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 in Washington D.C. The consultation brought together program implementers who made up 54 percent of attendees, researchers who made up 27 percent, and funders who made up 19 percent. Discussions focused on the lessons learned in positive youth development research and programming and sessions were designed to:

 Share and learn about up-to-date evidence on PYD in LMICs.

 Understand achievements in advancing the PYD Learning Agenda globally and moving the field forward.

 Identify gaps in the evidence base on PYD and implementation challenges.

 Develop cross-collaborations and action steps among evaluators, researchers, program implementers, and funders.

This document is a synthesis of that meeting.


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