NEW! 2023 PYD Learning Agenda Literature Scan
Learning Agenda for PYDUnderstanding How PYD Achieves Impact Cross-Sectoral Impact Measurement of PYD Constructs PYD for Marginalized or Vulnerable Populations Youth Engagement in PYD Programs
Why a Positive Youth Development Learning Agenda
The purpose of this learning agenda is to define priority questions in the field of Positive Youth Development (PYD) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This PYD learning agenda builds upon the findings of the Systematic Review of PYD Programs in LMICs that highlighted gaps in the evidence for what works and for whom. It was developed in consultation with youth-serving and youth development practitioners, researchers, evaluators, and funders. The primary goal of the learning agenda is to provide collective guidance for a common agenda to address evidence gaps and invest in evidence-building activities related to PYD. This learning agenda also provide guidance for potential ways to answer those questions. The main audiences for the learning agenda are those who design, implement, and evaluate youth programs. While developed by YouthPower Learning with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), anyone who works with youth in LMICs can respond to this learning agenda and advance the PYD field.
Positive Youth Development Learning Agenda
The PYD learning agenda prioritizes five themes to serve as anchors to guide future research on PYD programs in LMICs:
1) Understanding how PYD programs achieve positive impact in LMICs;
2) Cross-sectoral impact of PYD programs;
3) Measurement of PYD constructs;
4) PYD for vulnerable or marginalized populations; and
5) Youth engagement in PYD programs.
How to Contribute
The development of this learning agenda was designed to be the first of many steps toward better understanding when and how PYD approaches work in LMICs. There is a tremendous need to invest in advancing the field, piloting new strategies, and rigorously evaluating and documenting programs that are being implemented. A key next step is to collectively build the evidence base about how, when, and where PYD works. Further investments in LMICs are needed to increase understanding about PYD across the five themes identified in this PYD Learning Agenda. It is our hope that the community of practitioners and researchers interested in PYD will take a role in bringing the agenda to life—contributing related findings to help answer these important questions. Ultimately our learning can lead to evidence-based programs which provide meaningful improvements in the lives of the youth we serve.
If you have learning to share or want to know how you can contribute, please contact YouthPower Learning at and check back soon as we expand the website with more details and resources.
Download the Learning Agenda Handout.
Download the Learning Agenda Infographic.
Download the Learning Agenda Consultation Meeting Report.
Download the 2023 Learning Agenda Literature Scan Brief.
Check out the resources related to the Learning Agenda Themes:
Resources: Understanding How PYD Achieves Impact Resources: Cross-Sectoral Impact Resources: Measurement of PYD Resources: PYD for VMP Resources: Youth Engagement in PYD Programs