What is the YouthPower 2 (YP2) APS?
The YP2 APS is an unfunded assistance mechanism available for USAID’s Missions, Bureaus, and Independent Offices (M/B/IOs) to
use for youth programming that engages youth-led and youth-serving organizations and systems, to generate cross-sectoral
Positive Youth Development (PYD) outcomes. The YP2 APS seeks to provide flexibility for USAID to collaborate with youth, their
communities, and relevant institutions, sectors and systems. Importantly, this mechanism focuses on building sustainable
partnerships around key development challenges and opportunities with stakeholders including:
● Higher education institutions
● Non-formal education providers
● Private sector
● Government
● Civil society organizations (CSOs)- including youth-led and youth-serving organizations
● Faith-based organizations, and others
Scope and Focus
The YP2 APS and its associated addenda will contribute to the Agency’s efforts to mainstream youth in development across
sectors using a positive youth development approach. Addenda to the APS should support programming that reflects the
following priorities:
- Engaging Youth as Partners and Leaders - By harnessing youth talents and engaging with youth as partners, we provide them with opportunities to further develop their assets and agency, and to contribute positively to their communities.
- Integrating a Holistic and Cross-Sectoral Design Approach - A cross-sectoral approach considers and addresses youth’s needs in multiple sectors (such as health, education, agriculture, environment, economic growth, democracy, human rights and governance, etc.).
Desired Outcomes
This YP2 APS reflects USAID’s interest in supporting and diversifying PYD programming and partnerships with youth-led and
youth-serving implementing partners, while supporting innovative program strategies with high potential for transformative
impact. Desired program outcomes may include but are not limited to:
- Strengthened host-country systems and programs to achieve sustainable, cross-sectoral positive outcomes for and with youth.
- Youth programming that is inclusive, equitable and gender responsive.
- Locally owned and locally led youth development programs and systems that achieve sustainable outcomes through partnerships and leveraging of resources.
- Stronger evidence for Positive Youth Development (PYD).