Positive Youth Development Measurement Toolkit Training
On January 24, 2017, members of the YouthPower Learning team conducted a one-day training on the PYD Measurement Toolkit with implementers, evaluators, and USAID staff. The overall objective of the one-day meeting was to orient training participants to the PYD Measurement Framework and Toolkit that YouthPower Learning developed. The training provided an in-depth reflection on each section of the toolkit, including the introduction of the PYD Measurement framework, indicators, application of the indicators, and considerations for adapting PYD measurement to new contexts.
Overall objectives of the training
By the end of the training participants should better understand:
- The PYD Measurement Framework presented in the PYD Measurement Toolkit;
- What indicators for PYD look like;
- How to apply PYD measurement in program design, implementation, and evaluation; and
- Challenges for measuring PYD, and considerations to address them.
Training modules
The training was conducted with the following modules:
Module 1: Positive Youth Development
The first module introduced participants to positive youth development. The stated objectives were as follows:
By the end of this module participants should better understand:
- What is PYD;
- What have we learned about the evidence from PYD programs in LMIC; and
- Why it is important to measure youth development outcomes.
Module 2: Introduction of the PYD Measurement Framework
In the second module, trainers dove deeper into the PYD Measurement Framework as an anchoring point for the discussion about measuring PYD in programs and using PYD indicators. The stated objectives were as follows:
By the end of this module participants should better understand:
- YouthPower’s PYD Measurement Framework;
- Key concepts from the PYD Measurement Framework, such as domains, constructs, and indicators; and
- How PYD measurement links to PYD programming features.
Module 3: PYD Indicators
In the third module, trainers shared the list of PYD indicators developed for and included in the PYD Measurement Toolkit. The stated objectives of this module were as follows:
By the end of this module participants should better understand:
- What constructs, indicators and measurement sources of PYD can look like;
- How USAID is currently measuring youth-focused programming.
Module 4: Key highlights of the PYD Measurement Toolkit
In the fourth module, trainers shared snapshots of various toolkit pages to showcase what the toolkit can do for users. To go directly to the toolkit, click here.
Module 5: Application of the PYD Toolkit
In the fifth module, trainers used a case study to share how the toolkit can be used during each of five phases of program design and evaluation. This was an interactive session, during which participants broke into groups and completed handouts for each of five phases in response to a second case study. The stated objectives were as follows:
By the end of this module participants should better understand:
- How the PYD Measurement Framework and Toolkit can be applied to five phases of program design and evaluation. The five phases are:
- Refine key desired outcomes or research questions;
- Select PYD features and beneficiaries of the program;
- Finalize the logic model;
- Decide what to measure, and how (study design and indicators); and
- Analyze the data, disseminate the findings and adapting your
For the completed handouts from the case studies, click here.
Module 6: Adaptation of PYD Measurement
In the sixth module, trainers talked about the challenges and opportunities for using the PYD indicators in new contexts. Specifically, trainers focused on how the validity and reliability of PYD indicators and tools may be impacted by considerations such as gender, literacy, and culture. The stated objectives were as follows:
By the end of this module participants should better understand:
- The key considerations for adapting PYD measures;
- The key ethical concerns and considerations for addressing those concerns; and
- What one should and should not do when adapting PYD measures to new contexts.
Module 7: Resources
The final module focused on sharing key resources related to PYD, PYD measurement, especially those created by YouthPower Learning.