Prime Implementer
Project Timeline
Project Goals
USAID Mitra Kunci Initiative is a five-year, $22.8 million project that promotes more inclusive economic growth in Indonesia by improving access to skills, training, information, experience and relevant services for Poor and Vulnerable (P&V) youth, women, persons with disabilities, and higher education students.
Brief Background
Indonesia is a growing regional and global player, having experienced a remarkable democratic and economic transformation over the last two decades. However, the country remains at a development crossroads, with 40 percent of the population earning less than two dollars a day.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Mitra Kunci Initiative is providing Indonesia’s poorest and most vulnerable with skills needed to be productive members of Indonesia’s workforce. Young people, women, and people with disabilities will receive training, information, and resources to prepare them to meet the needs of the private sector.
By assisting Indonesia’s efforts to improve the skills needed to work in the local market, more Indonesians can break the cycle of extreme poverty, have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to global prosperity and self-reliance.
Overview of Activities and Partners
Mitra Kunci co-creates and co-innovates with Project Implementers (PIs) in the workforce development space by working closely with PIs as they diversify their networks, become more effective advocates and strengthen their skills to be more professional organizations in a coordinated and sustainable skills development system.
Mitra Kunci provides partner PIs and local government, civil society and private sector counterparts with technical and operational support to test innovative programming, assess impact, and scale successful innovations and approaches. Mitra Kunci contributes to USAID’s overarching goal of equipping 200,000 P&V beneficiaries to be more work-ready by:
• Improving quality of workforce development programs;
• Implementing innovative workforce development models; and
• Increasing ownership and synergies between key workforce development stakeholders.
Ayo Inklusif!
(East Java)
Ayo Inklusif! contributes to expanded employment opportunities for youth with disabilities. Through targeted outreach and awareness-raising, its activities bringg greater understanding of the importance of inclusive growth to the Indonesian general public, the private sector, civil society, academia and the government. By helping increasing these key players’ awareness of the productive economic potential of youth with disabilities—and how to unlock this potential—USAID Ayo Inklusif! is helping open up a more inclusive job market supporting improved economic opportunity for all. USAID Ayo Inklusif! activities support increased attention to and strengthened compliance with Indonesian Law No. 8/2016, which mandates better employment opportunities for youth with disabilities and increased awareness of their productive economic potential as well as inclusive workforce approaches.
- The Jawa Pos Institute of Pro-Otonomi (Lead)
- Saujana
- United Tractors
- Pusat Studi Layanan Disabilitas (PSLD) Universitas Brawijaya
Equal Opportunity for Empowerment
(West Java)
Through innovative library networks, USAID EOE-SAKU, an activity under the USAID Mitra Kunci initiative, increases opportunities for youth to access high-quality, relevant workforce development information and training. The program equips youth with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to enter and succeed in job-seeking and entrepreneurship.
- Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia (Lead)
- Dompet Dhuafa
(Central Java)
Action Group for Inclusive Workforce Development or Kelompok Aksi (POKSI) bringing together stakeholders to better match relevant P&V job skills with local labor market demand.
- Rajawali Foundation (Lead)
- Transformasi
Through workshops and trainings, USAID Mitra Kunci has assisted these three activities to:
− Integrate gender and social inclusion principles into all programmatic areas;
− Prioritize youth economic empowerment/development and communicate its importance;
− Consolidate a focused, strategic approach to collaboration with the private sector;
− Analyze their own institutional capacity and identify areas for improvement; and
− Streamline operations, financing and monitoring/evaluation.
Finally, USAID Mitra Kunci has held a series of national workshops for universities designed to address four higher education issues pertaining to the workforce system: community service in entrepreneurship, campus-based career center development, entrepreneurship courses and curricula; and entrepreneurship programs for need-based scholarship recipients.
For further information, please contact Annetly Ngabito, Mitra Kunci Communications Specialist (