澳洲幸运10开奖官网开奖结果号码-168开奖网澳洲历史开奖记录-Youth-幸运澳洲十官网历史查询|youthmattersfy.org New Release: MHPSS for Marginalized and Underrepresented Groups Toolkit
The new Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Marginalized and Underrepresented Groups Toolkit establishes guidance and tools for working with marginalized and underrepresented communities, including youth in those communities, around the globe.
Discover new evidence on what works in youth development!
Read the YP2LE Positive Youth Development (PYD) Learning Agenda Literature Scan Brief (2023), with findings from recent PYD research and recommendations for the PYD learning agenda
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This Positive Youth Development Starter Toolkit connects you to key resources for assessment and design, measurement, and learning. It also highlights ways that projects oftentimes foster youth engagement and different resources to help ensure your project is mindful of youth alongside other aspects of gender and social inclusion.
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