Phase Two: Determining PYD Features and Beneficiaries of the Program
Key Questions
Which PYD features should be included in my program, and who should be the target beneficiaries?
How are features and beneficiaries connected to the key outcomes of my program?
If your project is already designed or being implemented, identify which PYD features pertain to your project. If you are developing a new project or can modify an existing project, consider how all of the PYD features might have a positive impact on your goals. The seven PYD features are based on the most effective elements of a PYD program, and your program should aim to build youth skills, encourage engagement, and strengthen bonds with positive adults. Link the possible indicators of your proposed outcome with the PYD features to strengthen the PYD program design. Maintain the intentional linkage between the outcomes of interest and program activities.
Program activities can be geared toward a variety of beneficiaries. In most cases, youth are the primary beneficiaries of youth programming. However, the PYD Framework will help you identify other beneficiaries who play an important role in supporting youth. This is particularly true for programs targeted at improving the enabling environment.
Beneficiaries can include teachers, parents, mentors, support service staff (such as staff from a clinic or a vocational training center), policy makers and any other stakeholders who engage with youth. For example, a program could work with parents to improve healthy relationships and bonding, or train staff from a health clinic to improve access to age appropriate and youth friendly services.
Programs with a strong PYD approach will incorporate multiple program features, across several domains, and involve program beneficiaries beyond youth whenever possible.
The table below shows how you can use the PYD Measurement Framework to consider program features and beneficiaries.
Table: How to Use the PYD Framework to Select Program Features and Beneficiaries
Click here for examples of how program activities can be tailored to different beneficiaries across all seven PYD features.
Do you have more questions about the toolkit? See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section or visit the PYD glossary.