Today's young people have lower levels of trust in formal politics and are less likely to see political parties as viable avenues for affecting change. At the same time, globalization and increasing availability of technology has provided new ways for young people to connect both locally and globally. As a result, many young people are turning to social movements and other less formal means of civic and political participation. This section includes resources related to youth and social movements. 

The New Global Citizen: Harnessing Youth Leadership to Reshape Civil Society

Rhize's report, The New Global Citizen: Harnessing Youth Leadership to Reshape Civil Society, exposes how the global development sector has not kept pace with the changing ways youth seek to create social change, creating a disconnect between formal civil society and the majority of youth leaders. Without understanding the new model of global citizenship—what we call "participatory citizenship," international development institutions will continue to miss the innovative, networked energy of youth leaders who are motivated, activated but need better support to achieve collective global impact. This report analyzes these gaps, opportunities and outlines a path forward through a new "Collective Civic Participation Framework". Based on research conducted by Rhize, the report outlines the following key takeaways: Build a stronger Architecture of Participation across the sector in order to engage and retain youth leaders over the long term; reimagine global leadership to fit the profile of today's leaders who are active, engaged and innovating new methods for change; embrace translocal as the new global infrastructure to build agency and autonomy to localize yet connect global issues (rather than centralize and direct) in more accessible, compelling and impactful ways; adopt the Collective Civic Participation Framework as a blueprint for institutions to harness the leadership potential of the next generation of "global citizens" who are activated yet need support to flourish. 

Civic Update - Social Movements

Social movements are broad-based combinations of groups and individuals acting purposefully, collectively and with continuity to promote change. Social movements tend to emerge from discontent resulting from inequality, inequity and injustice. NDI has provided support to an array of social movements, recognizing their transformative potential. This resource describes social movements and highlights challenges and best practices for providing assistance to social movements based on examples from NDI programs.