YouthPower Learning Brief: Promising Practices in Engaging Youth in Peace and Security and PVE/CVE
Summary of Key Interventions and Examples
The 2015 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 (SCR 2250) on Youth, Peace and Security and emerging literature emphasizes the need to switch the narrative to recognize youth as positive agents for peacebuilding and security, rather than stigmatizing them as risks. SCR 2250 encourages governments, international organizations, and civil society to actively engage youth populations as partners in shaping peace and security processes and implementing promising practices related to comprehensive, community-based solutions so that they may have greater peace dividends.
This document, created by YouthPower Learning's Community of Practice for Youth in Peace and Security, seeks to identify best practices, bright spots, and possible opportunities for their replication with a primary focus on preventing violent extremism/countering violent extremism (PVE/CVE). It operates under the hypothesis that youth engagement in positive alternatives to violence should be maximized in order for peace writ large to take hold.