YouthPower Action supports USAID's goal of strengthening youth programming across all country contexts and sectors. Activities that increase youth engagement and youth voice are infused throughout YouthPower Action. Through this project, USAID is advancing the goal laid out in USAID’s Youth in Development policy which seeks to improve the capacities and enable the aspirations of youth so that they can contribute to and benefit from more stable, democratic, and prosperous communities and nations.
Read the YouthPower Action Fact Sheet (FY18).
YouthPower Action strives to...
Increase opportunities and services available to youth:
Young people will be able to access youth-friendly services in youth-friendly spaces located within their communities.
Improve quality of services offered to youth:
Services will acknowledge the unique needs of young people and leverage their talents and ambitions.
Engage youth in policy making and development activities:
Youth are involved in all stages of development to ensure quality programming. Through these opportunities, young people build decision-making, teamwork and leadership skills to solve community problems.
To access all YouthPower Action resources, click here.
Activities and Resources
- Nigeria: Feasibility and Outcome Study for ALHIV/YLHIV
- Nigeria: Youth Assessment
- South Africa Health Workforce Assessment
- Virtual Safe spaces for Adolescents Living with HIV
- Improving retention in HIV care among adolescents and adults in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of the literature
- Interventions to improve antiretroviral therapy adherence among adolescents in LMICs: A systematic review of the literature
- Measuring Soft & Life Skills in International Youth Development Programs: A Review and Inventory of Tools
- Key Soft Skills for Cross-Sectoral Youth Outcomes
- Soft Skills for Cross-Sectoral Outcomes Assessment: Administration Guide
- Measuring Soft Skills Among Youth and Young Adults: Validation of a New Instrument
- Integrated Workforce Development and Family Planning/Reproductive Health
- Integrating Workforce and Reproductive Health Interventions for Improved Youth Outcomes
- Recommendations for Youth Programming in Food for Peace Development Food Security Activities (DFSA)
Trainings, Guides, & Tools:
- Positive Youth Development Training
- Youth Engagement Training in DREAMS Countries
- Uganda Adolescent Girls Mentoring
- AGYW Mentoring Program Toolkit
- Establishing Mentoring Groups as Safe Spaces for Adolescent Girls
- LAC Region: Workforce Development and Youth Employment Webinars
- Guiding Principles for Building Soft and Life Skills Among Adolescents and Young Adults
- Youth Compass: A Strategic Guide to Strengthen Youth Activities
- Soft Skills for Positive Youth Development
- Young Emanzi Toolkit for Mentoring Adolescent Boys and Young Men
- Youth Soft Skills Assessment
- Determining Education and Training Needs in Economic Sectors
- Self-Employment and Livelihoods in LAC
- How to Use the 10 Vital Signs for USAID Programming Purposes
- Youth, Adversity, and Social-Emotional Learning in LAC
- Youth-Led Food System Mapping Tool - under development
Implementations Projects:
- Mozambique: YouthPower Action - Mozambique
- Brief: Programa Para o Futuro Mozambique
- Burundi: YouthPower Action - Burundi
Learnings From Task Orders
- Brief: Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth
- Brief: Proponte Más Honduras
The project is jointly funded by USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment; and USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance
YouthPower Action is led by FHI 360 in collaboration with its partners Management Systems International, Restless Development, Aga Khan Development Network, Marie Stopes International, TechnoServe, BBC Media Action, Inveneo, INJAZ Al-Arab, the Trust for the Americas, Youth Business International, IRH Georgetown, Stepping Stones International, NCBA CLUSA, and World University Services Canada. Small business partners include: Block by Block, Connexus, Duggleby and Associates, International Media Solutions, and LTG Associates.